"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about" - Margaret J. Wheatley
If you’re pregnant or have a child under four, did you know the Healthy Start scheme can help you buy basic foods like milk, vegetables, fruit and pulses?
To qualify for the food vouchers (which are now digital) you will usually need to receive one of the following benefits:
Child Tax Credit (if your family’s annual income is £16,190 or less)
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Pension Credit
Universal Credit (if your family earns £408 or less per month from employment)
But anyone under 18 who is pregnant is entitled to the vouchers, even if they don’t get any of these benefits.
It’s really easy to apply at www.healthystart.nhs.uk/how-to-apply or speak to your Midwife or Health Visitor.
If you've already signed up to the paper vouchers scheme in the past you need to apply for the new digital service by visiting www.healthystart.nhs.uk. You will receive a pre-paid card in the post.
While everyone is being told to stay at home, it can be hard to know what to do if you're unwell.
If you're advised to go to hospital, it's important to go.
The Stockton Information Directory provides information and advice on a range of services and opportunities for adults across the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees. The variety of services include information on where local groups and leisure activities are taking place, what help you can get to remain in your own home, housing and care home information and much more.
SDAIS (Citizens Advice Bureau) provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.
For further information contact Stockton District Advice and Information Service.
Advice Line: 03442 451295
For mobiles: 0300 3300650
For appointments: 01642 633877
Every day people in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. Food banks provide emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK.
There are organisations which can help, the most up to date details of which can be found on the SWAN website.
Trussell Trust Food Bank Centre
The Trussell Trust Food Bank Network works in partnership with local churches and organisations to bring Food Banks to communities across the UK. The Trussell Trust runs a Food Bank Centre in Billingham.
Address: Billingham Foodbank Distribution Centre, 4-6 West Precinct, Billingham Town Centre (near Boyes), TS23 2NH.
Telephone: 07583 575522
Visit the Trussell Trust Foodbank website for further information.
https://billinghamstocktonborough.foodbank.org.ukParkfield Pantry
Volunteers serve a cooked breakfast to people feeling the credit crunch and provide information or signpost to relevant agencies to help the diners. They also try to provide clothing and arrange organisations, such as the Fire Brigade to give advice on how to keep safe.
For more information contact Parkfield Pantry on 01642 874569.
A directory has been produced giving details of organisations that can provide emergency food assistance to people in Stockton Borough. The Emergency Food Aid Information Directory https://www.stockton.gov.uk/media/1962001/christmas-food-directory-december-2020.pdf is based on information supplied by organisations and indicates the type of assistance available, where and when the assistance is available and if any referral is required to access the service.
Our Welfare Rights Service provides free, confidential, independent and impartial advice and information on welfare benefits to Stockton Borough Council residents. The service recognises that individuals must make their own decisions and so we aim to provide individuals with the information to be able to exercise their rights.
Acting on Your Behalf
If you have recently had a social security benefit claim turned down and are appealing against this, we may be able to act on your behalf if you are referred to us by any of the following:
- Adult or Children’s Services
- Blue Badge Customer Services
- Housing Options
- Revenues and Benefits Service
Alternatively if you are a member of the armed forces community, including dependent families (regular personnel, reservists, veterans, bereaved), please contact us.
If you are receiving a service from any of the agencies listed above, please ask your key worker to make a referral to us.
Contact Welfare Rights
Telephone: 01642 526141
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday, 8.30am - 5pm, Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm, Closed Saturday
If you are in concerned about your bills, speak to your supplier as payments could be reassessed, reduced or paused.
If you, or someone you know, is vulnerable such is of pensionable age, has children under 5, a disability or long-term medical condition, it is important to let your energy supplier know immediately. Each energy supplier keeps a Priority Services Register of people who may need additional assistance.
Here is a list of the energy companies and contact details for your reference.
Supportline is a free national telephone helpline offering immediate emotional support as well as helpful information and practical advice over the phone to anyone in England and Wales affected by crime. You can talk to fully trained staff in confidence (and anonymously if you prefer). The service is also independent of the police and anyone can contact the helpline for support, regardless of whether the crime has been reported or how long ago it took place. The Supportline is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Further support includes signposting to local services for ongoing support or organisations offering specialist support
Freephone 24 Hour Domestic Violence Helpline is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf. The Helpline can give support, help and information over the telephone, wherever the caller might be in the country. The Helpline is staffed 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and is run by fully trained female helpline support workers and volunteers. All calls are completely confidential. Translation facilities for callers whose first language is not English, and a service for callers who are deaf or hard of hearing, are available. In addition to offering confidential support and information, Helpline staff are a source of practical help and information about housing rights and entitlements, information on getting injunctions or reassurance about calling the police. Men calling the Helpline will be also provided with initial support and will be signposted to specialist services that work with male victims of abuse. The Helpline is a crisis service that prioritises the safety of women and children and will assist them to a place of safety in a refuge if that is necessary or will empower them with information and support to make their own arrangements for safety. Where necessary the Helpline will signpost callers to the most appropriate national, regional or local service or agency. Calls to 0808 numbers are free from landlines and mobiles in the UK.
Child safety week is about accident prevention and training. "Accident prevention is not about restricting children or wrapping them up in cotton wool, instead it is about creating safer environments, both in the home and elsewhere, to enable children to thrive and lead a healthy active life.".
Please share, as it may one day save a life!
Here is some tips to keeping your little ones safe around water
Are you looking for support to encourage your child to talk and communicate more? Our local Family Hub are offering these free sessions, every Wednesday..
Could your 2 year old be eligible for 15 hours FREE CHILDCARE?? Why not apply today!
Please note if you need any support please feel free to contact the nursery on 01642 803190.
Help towards the cost of childcare is available!!
Contact the nursery for more information on
01642 803190
Or visit https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
To check to see if you are entitled to free childcare call us on:
Billingham 01642 803190
Norton 01642 030034